Saturday, October 22, 2022

Spiritual Cleansing

 When was the last time you cleansed your house?

Not the place where you call home

or the place you raise your children

but the place your soul resides in every generation.

God’s most Sacred Temple

The Holy Vessel

Your Body.

So, when was the last time you cleansed your house?

Was it during Spring Cleaning

Or on every given Sunday?

Was it for the festive holidays 

Or for other special occasions?

So, when was the last time you cleansed your house?

If you say never 

Or unsure of the exact date

Then you should be ashamed

For keeping life’s clutter polluting your house

And keeping God away.

So, when was the last time you cleansed your house?

Your house should be cleansed every day.

By discarding old issues from your past

Stop singing the “Would da, could da, should da” song

And stop dwelling on unforeseen futures.

Your mind should be in the present

And remaining in the NOW.

Not the present of your problems

But the presence of the Holy Spirit.

God do not like life clutter in his Temple

or the waste from the past.

So, start eliminating the waste

by stuffing them in trash bags of nonresistance

and leaving it on the corner of surrender

or placing it in the dumpster of forgiveness

that is how you welcome God back into your house.

I beg of you.


I encourage you.

Start today in cleansing your house

This is the only way

You will feel God’s presence.

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