Saturday, October 22, 2022

Sleeping Sister

Sleeping Sister keep on sleeping

Deeper, deeper into your mind

Find the place you are seeking

Of a world filled with wonders 

With no limitations.

Endless possibilities near at hand

Just take that plunge or make a stand

For the world you truly want 

In addition, make it grand….

Sleeping Sister keep on dreaming

Deeper, deeper into your mind

Let the world of creativity embrace you

Breathe in the scent of pure delight

Awaken the spirit of your soul.

A spirit, dormant from sheer neglect

And bruised from the hardship of life, 

Desires more in return

Sleeping Sister keep on thinking

Deeper, deeper into your mind

Of the world you truly want

Make it the forefront of your mind

Allow it to seep into your soul

Let it tingle at your fingertips

Pulse throughout your resting body

And soar down to your toes

Sleeping Sister keep on fighting 

Deeper, deeper into your mind

Battle your weaknesses

Conquer your fears

Use your strengths to obtain your goal.

A goal -- a purpose for your waking life

The motivation to sleep no more

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