Monday, October 24, 2022

I Was There

I was there....

When I blessed your mother's womb

    with signs of new life.

You were not even a sparkle

    to your mother's eye

I was there...

By your mother's side

    when she gave birth to you


Encouraging you to come and 

    greet the world

I was there....

To breathe life into you

    when you were weak and blue


No doctors can work miracles, like I can.

I was there...

For your first birthday

    when I revealed myself to you

I became your imaginary friend.

I was there...

Through the trying times and the good times

You feel me the most

        during the trying times.

I was there....

When you talked to yourself

    or think out loud

But honestly, you were just 

    talking to me and 

        I would answer back

I was there...

When you dream

That's the only time you can truly see me.

I was there...

When you forgot all about me and 

        start living the fleshly world.

I still walked in your shadow,

    secretly guiding you on the right path.

I was there...

When evil things try to corrupt your soul.

        I became your shield.

I was there... 

During your pain and sorrows.

I encouraged you to develop your talents

I was there...

When you slowly walked into my house.

I welcomed you with open arms and 

        started washing your pain away.

I was there....

When you said your first prayer

        I heard you loud and clear.

Keep praying and soon 

you will receive all my blessings

I was there....

When you open your first Bible.

It warms my heart 

    to become one 

        of your cherished friends.

I was there...

when you start repenting all your sins.

Everything is now forgiven

I was there...

when you came to your first Bible study

You have elected me 

        to be your 

            teacher and provider

    I am honored for the positions.

Now, I am forever in your life.

Guiding you on the right path.

The path of your true calling.


I was there at the beginning of your life.

I am here now, to guide you on the right path.

I will be there in heaven to welcome you home.

I am your Holy Spirit

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