Monday, October 24, 2022

I Was There

I was there....

When I blessed your mother's womb

    with signs of new life.

You were not even a sparkle

    to your mother's eye

I was there...

By your mother's side

    when she gave birth to you


Encouraging you to come and 

    greet the world

I was there....

To breathe life into you

    when you were weak and blue


No doctors can work miracles, like I can.

I was there...

For your first birthday

    when I revealed myself to you

I became your imaginary friend.

I was there...

Through the trying times and the good times

You feel me the most

        during the trying times.

I was there....

When you talked to yourself

    or think out loud

But honestly, you were just 

    talking to me and 

        I would answer back

I was there...

When you dream

That's the only time you can truly see me.

I was there...

When you forgot all about me and 

        start living the fleshly world.

I still walked in your shadow,

    secretly guiding you on the right path.

I was there...

When evil things try to corrupt your soul.

        I became your shield.

I was there... 

During your pain and sorrows.

I encouraged you to develop your talents

I was there...

When you slowly walked into my house.

I welcomed you with open arms and 

        started washing your pain away.

I was there....

When you said your first prayer

        I heard you loud and clear.

Keep praying and soon 

you will receive all my blessings

I was there....

When you open your first Bible.

It warms my heart 

    to become one 

        of your cherished friends.

I was there...

when you start repenting all your sins.

Everything is now forgiven

I was there...

when you came to your first Bible study

You have elected me 

        to be your 

            teacher and provider

    I am honored for the positions.

Now, I am forever in your life.

Guiding you on the right path.

The path of your true calling.


I was there at the beginning of your life.

I am here now, to guide you on the right path.

I will be there in heaven to welcome you home.

I am your Holy Spirit

The Devil Keeps Pounding

 The Devil keeps pounding....

        Bang, Bang, Bang

    Outside my front door.

Determine, very determine

         To dominate

    My mind, body, and soul

Will not settle for less 

        and will not go

Oh, God! 

    Dear God, I need

            help, Please!


Tired of his constant 



    outside my front door

(My door keeps shaking....

    rattle, rattle by the force)

Never letting up

When I need:



                and peace more

Dear God, 

    I'm weary,


                so very weary

Have a mind to give in

    and let him win

Oh, God....

    my hand is touching


the knob of my front door.

Turning, turning,

    slowly turning,

        I'm giving in...

Suddenly an angel appears

    and steadies my hand

"Hold, dear child,

        don't give in,

        I know you are tired.

I am here now.

        I will be your strength

                and your shield.

With me at your side

        the Devil

        the Devil

           will not win."

Can you not hear him out there?

So persistent with his pounding....

        Bang, Bang, Bang

It's just a matter of time

    before he breaks down

         all my barriers

            opens my door

                walks right in and

                    gains his reward.

"Dear child, who, with so little faith.

        Do you not know

        who stands by you?

I am who I am,

    the Blessed Son of Our Father

        your Holy Brother

            the Holy Spirit 

                to your soul.

Do you doubt my abilities

        to put the Devil

            the Devil

        in his rightful place?"

Forgive me brother,

    I have sinned

        for losing my faith.

The Devil's persistence

    is taking its toll.

"Dear child, forgiveness and 

        grace is what I bring.

I say it again.

I give you, my strength.

    I will be your shield

        and the Devil will not win.

He will not dare or

        he will feel my wrath.

I will give him another moment

    to feel my presence.

I tell you,

    he will 

        turn and hide."

Thank you, brother,

    for coming to my aid.

My will and faith

        were standing


        on shaky ground.

When the Devil

        appeared outside

            my front door.

"That is how you encourage

        the Devil to come.

He senses week spirits

    and comes knocking 


    at their doors.

To tempt week spirits

        to join his ranks by:

            Telling lies,

                Promising empty promises and

                    uses your dreams against you.

                        That's how the devil works.

So, when your will and faith are shaken:

Read your Bible

Say a prayer or two, and

Keep me in your view

Then the Devil won't

    come bothering you"


No more pounding

        no more rattling

            I think he is gone.

Let me go check

(I peek out, just behind my door)



        he is gone

(I breathe in a big sigh of relief)

Thank you, brother,

        for saving me

I will heed your Words and

    work extra hard in

        fortifying my faith

Never again,

    did the Devil 

            the Devil comes 

            pounding at my door

Saturday, October 22, 2022

I Wish

 I wish

I wish

I could be there 

to embrace you

to give you comfort

to tell you: “this too shall pass,

life is still grand

love stills surrounds you”

I wish

I wish

I could be there

to distract you from your pain

to provide an escape

to bring fun, pleasure, and joy back

I wish

I wish

I could be there

to hold a friend in need

to embrace a troubled soul

to realign your world

to bring back

the beauty, the joy,

                                           the sun

back into focus

I wish

I hope

I pray

these words reach you

and show you 

how much I care

and love you

I wish….

Dare to Be Different

                                                                                             Go ahead 

be different from…

the social norms

the political B.S.

the media’s noise

Go ahead…

think freely

ask questions

stand tall and

take back control

Go ahead


an outlaw

an outcast or

a social misfit

Go ahead 

challenge everything…

religious beliefs

political views

scientific theories

and the laws

Go ahead

start changing the world

Eliminate the money system

Reform government

Improve education

and show…

Compassion and kindness 

to all