Wednesday, November 2, 2022

I am the Phantom

I was born with a name

I married into another

Been given many labels and titles

But it's all the same. 

I am just the Phantom on this stage.

Some know me by one name

Some know me by another

but, when I leave this stage, 

    you all will forget all about me

    and simply become a Phantom.

I am a real person, 

    like you

        and you

But when you leave tonight,

I will just be a figment of your imagination

Substance of my being vanish in seconds

What? You don't believe me?

Then, say my full name?

Who am I? The Phantom

You look, but do not see me

You hear, but do not listen

You walk and simply pass by me

    Not even bother to say a polite, "Hi"

I am just a Phantom

    A social misfit

        an outcast

My full name is ____________________, not important.

You can simply call me the Phantom

My name is _______________________, not important

I will simply become the Phantom

when I leave this stage.

And be amongst all the other 

    nameless Phantoms

    that roams our beautiful planet. 

I am

    just the PHANTOM

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